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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina


The South Carolina Education Oversight Committee (EOC) is an independent, nonpartisan group made up of 18 educators, business people, and elected officials who have been appointed by the legislature and governor to enact the South Carolina Education Accountability Act of 1998 (PDF). The Act sets standards for improving the state's K-12 educational system.

The EOC provides regular, routine and ongoing review of the state's education improvement process, assesses how our schools are doing and evaluates the standards our schools must meet to build the education system needed to compete in this century. The committee accomplishes its work through three subcommittees and the full committee. Each of the subcommittees addresses issues that support higher levels of student achievement.

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DashboardSC is your home for South Carolina education dashboards. Visit dashboardSC to discover Pre-K, K-12 and post grad data in South Carolina.

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ExpectMore SC was created to inform, educate, and empower parents, stakeholders and civic/business leaders to take action towards a brighter education future in South Carolina. Visit this site for insights on SC Report Cards, family-friendly grade standards and more!

Recent News

Report finds state-funded four-year-old kindergarten programs improve kindergarten readiness for pupils in poverty; more than 18,000 potentially eligible children did not participate

South Carolina preschoolers who attend a full-day, state-funded 4K program are better prepared for kindergarten according to a report by the SC Education Oversight Committee.

New Website Brings State and Private Organizations Together to Simplify and Streamline Education and Workforce Resources

The platform is the first phase of a website that will continue to grow and evolve to provide information, data, and opportunities to enhance the state’s education and workfor